What is the contribution of Pragati to strengthen and further the prestigious Telanganaku Harita Haram Program? – Financial Express
Either in horticulture, forestry, or the temples, normal plants are used. Pragati is using plants from Vrukshayurveda and other sacred texts. Dwajasthamba in temples 150 years ago Mamsarohini was used. Now, any straight wood or cemented poles or stone is used for pillars. The sanctity of the temple is enhanced only when Mamsarohini is used which has the divine qualities and enhances the spiritual powers of the idol. Divinity comes with Kalpavrukshalu, Vanams, Dasamulas, and Triphalas. As per Charaka Samhita there are 55 diseases. We have identified 55 diseases. Each disease has 10 herbal plants. In total Pragati has 450 herbal plants which can cure all the 55 diseases.
In Telangana region whatever seeds you drop on the soil, it germinates. The climate here is suitable for seed companies where Pragati has the expertise. Pragati gets more than billion seeds everyday from mother plants, where the soil is not polluted. At Pragati there are more than billion seeds produced. Best selection of plants taken, propagated by seed, cutting, grafting, gootis or by tissue culture.
We have an MOU with EPTRI for research in mosquito repellent plants. These have been distributed to forestries, schools, colleges, temples and many ashrams and bank colonies. Also promoted during Earth Day, Environment Day and Biodiversity Day when we go to public areas and distribute plants. Awareness is created on the importance of sacred plants like Punarnava, Agasti, Agnimanda and their health benefits. And on how, seed to plant cultivation, treatment of seeds, and preparation of soil.
Stage wise cultivation and harvesting. Also about the Indoor plants as per the directions – North East and South West what plants need to be planted as per the direction of wind, sun and water in a scientific way. Determining the plants for forests, parks, roads, sun-loving, shade-loving plants and semi-shade loving plants. We are continuously putting through media – print, digital and electronic our participation in Telanganaku Harita Haram. Precautions are taken to protect the plant. AVs are made to create awareness in collaboration with CII, Brahma Kumaris and TV channels, and NGOs.
PRAGATI’s Telanganaku Haritha Haram Program on SUNDAY 30th July, 2017 at PRAGATI GREEN MEADOWS AND RESORTS LIMITED. On this momentous occasion, PRAGATI planted 75,000 medicinal and herbal plants. In 2016, Pragati planted 1, 17, 500 saplings and distributed more than 50, 000 saplings as part of Telanganaku Haritha Haram program.